The State Consortium on Health Care Reform Implementation (State Consortium) was formed to provide coordinated and trusted information to states concerning the implementation of federal health reforms. The goals of the consortium are to provide states with technical assistance about requirements, offer options and best practices, and synthesize feedback to federal agencies on issues that affect state implementation. [...]
The State Consortium will focus on aspects of the health reform law that are likely to have the biggest effect on states – the Medicaid expansion, the establishment of health insurance exchanges, insurance regulations, and delivery system initiatives, along with important governance, coordination and timing issues for states. Resources in each of these areas are available here and on each of the Consortium members' websites.
Who is this fabulous foursome?

The leader of the H-Team, he is a brilliant tactician and a master of disguise. He is distinguished by his cigar smoking, black gloves, disguises, and his catch phrase, "I love it when a plan comes together." Always "on the jazz," he is the lobbying arm of the nation's governors, a key public policy liaison between the state governments and the federal government. He also works as an actor, playing monsters in low-budget horror movies.

Suave, smooth-talking, and hugely successful with women, he serves as the team's con man and scrounger, able to get his hands on just about anything they need. Effectively second in command, he is the one who arranges for supplies, equipment, and sensitive information using numerous scams and hustles. He's also responsible for the creation of model laws and regulations to benefit state regulators and insurance consumers by promoting uniform laws and regulations.
A highly-skilled mechanic and the H-Team's regular Mr. Fix-It, he serves as a focal point of communication between the states and the federal government, and provides an information network among the states on issues pertinent to the Medicaid program. He is a skilled fighter and is easily roused to anger, earning him the nickname "Bad Attitude". Despite his reputed attitude, he is a nice guy at heart. He has a special fondness for children and never drinks alcohol, preferring milk instead.
The best chopper pilot of the Vietnam War, he is either mentally unstable or exceptionally good at pretending to be so. He is an expert at convening state leaders, conducting policy analysis and research, disseminating relevant information, and providing technical assistance. The symptoms of his "insanity" varies from episode to episode, and the nickname "Howlin' Mad" is attributed to him. The best one, obviously.
According to the CBO, JCT, the CMS Actuary, and policy analysts from across the ideological spectrum, we can expect health reform implementation to look something like this:
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