He’s done that in part by pledging himself to the defeat of their common foe: the dreaded Obamacare. But now in office, he finds that tossing a law off the books is more difficult than the campaign rhetoric would suggest. And he’s begun to feel the responsibility to govern. So how does he make the best of a bad situation? How can conservative President John Q. Republican pursue a conservative health policy agenda with the Affordable Care Act in place?
He's in luck. Far from being the ideological piece of legislation it's often portrayed as, the ACA is a pragmatic toolbox containing goodies even conservatives can use to advance their favorite ideas. In the next few posts I'll sketch out a User's Manual for the modern conservative looking to discover what the ACA can do for him: actions John Q. Republican could choose to take and even some outcomes likely to naturally unfold from the law. I think I'll be using policy positions from real-world presidential candidates and others just to keep us grounded. The exercise will give us a good opportunity to explore some interesting policy while we're at it.
So stifle those yawns and get poised on the edge of your seat.
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