Monday, September 14, 2009

Can I speak to the head of the household, please?

With all the talk about health care I thought I'd give you guys my sales pitch regarding another humanitarian issue. I was browsing the Cleveland Food Bank website tonight and I wanted to share some of their information here with you guys. As of 2007 Ohio, with the 7th largest population in the U.S., had the 3rd highest number of kids who are on the brink of hunger. Only Texas and California (I'm assuming boosted by a high number of immigrant families) beat us out. The downturn in the economy has undoubtedly only added to the number of people out there who need help, and Cleveland is probably a big (if not the main) contributor to Ohio being number three.

However, according to the Cleveland Food Bank's website they're able to stretch every dollar donated into giving four people a full and healthy meal. I hate to sound like a telemarketer here, but if you guys are interested in donating it's really fast, simple, and straightforward on their website, and all you need is your credit card. And since it's local, you know exactly where the money is going and I'd bet the farm it is absolutely corruption-free (two of the concerns I generally have when donating money). You can click "repeating" donations or "one time", and subscribing to their e-mail server or providing your phone number is not required.

Anyway, enough of the soliciting - I just never knew it was so easy to help. Next, I'd like to tell you guys about my amazing new product, a super absorbent shammy cloth called...

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